Wiggles.in Celebrates A Pet-Inclusive Diwali With Its #NoToNoise Campaign

Wiggles.in Celebrates A Pet-Inclusive Diwali With Its #NoToNoise Campaign - Wiggles.in

Isn’t Diwali supposed to be a time filled with happiness and generosity? But for some of us, it's filled with fear, anxiety and hiding under the sofa.

Yes, we are talking about our pets, our most-friendly companions who get majorly triggered by the firecrackers that keep bursting, making it a season overloaded with stress for them.

We understand the pain that your pets go through every year and hence we have launched our

#NoToNoise Campaign that urges everyone to make Diwali inclusive for our pets by not bursting firecrackers at all.

The campaign is simple and heartfelt in its execution and reiterates why looking at a situation from an animal’s perspective is so important.

The underlying theme of the campaign is introducing a matchbox and matchsticks that fail to light up a firecracker, in turn truly lighting up the world for our pets and streeties with a no-show of fireworks. We have a pet protagonist who takes matters in his own digging paws, runs away with the firecracker, begins digging, buries it in the ground and stands ready to water it just like a plant. Watch it here,

Ummeed Bhari Diwali - Introducing a Wiggles.in initiative- A matchbox that doesn’t light up…to truly light up the world for our voiceless. Firecrackers that burst into sprouts. This Diwali, Wiggles.in plants a thought. We hope this thought takes root in your heart! Let's make a choice to say #NoToNoise 🙏🏻❤️

Throughout the year we keep our pets close to us, but when it's time for Diwali, they go into hiding. No matter how hard we try to coax them out of their hiding places with treats, their favorite food or toys, they refuse to budge and in turn become scared, restless and aggressive. The end result? It is just us who celebrate Diwali and our pets remain secluded and closed indoors. This year, let’s change that!

It’s a known fact that animals can hear the sound of firecrackers 4X louder due to their acute sense of hearing. This renders them helpless and lost. Most streeties tend to run away from their regular territory and enter unfamiliar terrain which leads to them getting hurt by other territorial streeties. We have also seen a number of atrocities being inflicted on streeties when they are abused with firecrackers tied to their tails or they happen to eat food from the trash cans that are mixed with firecracker powder, making it poisonous to consume.

Our campaign talks about a simple thought - life throws surprises at us, but when these come in matchsticks that don’t light up and firecrackers that don’t burst, but on the contrary turn into plantables, we know that there is still some goodness residing in the world. Our pets definitely approve of this thought with wagging tails.

Speaking on building a pet inclusive atmosphere during Diwali, Anushka Iyer, Founder and CEO, Wiggles.in, said, “What may seem like a celebration to us is certainly not a celebration for our pets. Diwali is generally the toughest period of the year for animals, not only does the noise cause anxiety and health issues but it also makes them anxious, leaving them unsettled and uncomfortable for days on end. At Wiggles.in, each one of us continues to renew our commitment to celebrate a noise-free, pet friendly and animal inclusive Diwali and we urge everyone around us to also contribute to making Diwali pet and animal safe in India. #NoToNoise is an extension of our belief that our pets deserve as much affection and care just like anyone of us. Our aim through this campaign is introducing a matchbox that doesn’t light up, which is a metaphor to remove the instrument that people generally use to burst crackers. This in turn will help light up the world for our streeties and pets while bringing about a positive change in behavior and outlook towards our pets not just for Diwali, but holistically.”

A match that doesn’t light!

Dr. Dilip - Director, Veterinary Services at Wiggles.in adds, “Diwali brings with it a host of health and anxiety-related issues in pets. Most of them lose their appetite, keep vomiting, and suffer from diarrhea. The loud sounds also result in convulsions and shivering attacks. They may also suffer from hearing disabilities due to nerve injuries in the middle ear. Restricted indoors, they keep barking continuously and lose their freedom of being playful during this time. They are also prone to skin rashes because of the pollution and the list doesn’t end there. Some of them lose their hearing and the sudden bursts of light can also lead to partial or permanent blindness in them. If you really want to relieve their anxiety and health issues, try Hemp Seed Oil and Cannapaw™ Pain Relief Therapy Oil which help to a great extent in reducing rashes, keeping them calm and include multiple benefits. But what matters the most is avoiding bursting firecrackers and ending the sound menace completely!”

Calling your pet your family and not including them in the Diwali festivities is a hard pill to swallow. This Diwali, we urge you to really give a thought to their plight and make a conscious effort to celebrate a Noise-Free Diwali, instead make it a Green Diwali along with lots of cuddles and belly rubs given to your pets.

Presenting BURNO!

Presenting, Wiggles.in’s UMEED box, which includes firecrackers that grow into plants and be the hope that shines brighter during the dark days. Unlight your firecrackers with our BURNO matchsticks and truly light up the world for your pets and streeties in a #NoToNoise manner. 

And while you celebrate Diwali, don’t forget to register your pet as a blood donor under our initiative #BondedByBlood. Let’s pledge to save lives, Diwali or not! 

Also join our ever-growing community of pet parents, Wiggles Tribe, only on Facebook. Get all your questions answered by our in-house veterinarians, canine behaviorists, pet nutritionists and groomers. Stay updated for everything pets and pet care.

*Disclaimer: This blog is vet-approved and includes original content which is compiled after thorough research and authenticity by our in-house team of vets and content experts. It is always advisable to consult a veterinarian before you try any products, pet food or any kind of treatment/medicines on your pets, as each pet is unique and will respond differently.