Help! My Dog Seems Glum During Rains

Help! My Dog Seems Glum During Rains -

As much as we have all waited for the monsoon after several months of summer, monsoons tend to bring a few problems along with their calming showers. 

Dr. Dilip Sonune, Director of Veterinary Services at Wiggles says - “Mood swings in pets during monsoon are more common than one might expect. Several factors like  thunderstorms, lack of sunlight, change in regular activities, temperature changes, lack of exercise and excess moisture in the air can cause seasonal problems in pets.” 

Let’s look at some monsoon problems that pets can suffer from and their vet-approved solutions! 

Lack of sunshine 

Your ray of sunshine can experience a shift in their mood because of the gloomy weather. Like us, dogs too can experience depression and mood swings because of the dull weather. 

Explaining the scientific reason behind this, Dr. Dilip Sonune said - “The feeling of gloominess can be related to the hormone - melatonin. This is the chemical responsible for maintaining natural sleep. When the retinas in our eyes pick up on sunlight, it connects to other brain structures and to the pineal gland. When there is a lack of sunlight, the structures do not get stimulated and the melatonin levels increase which in turn makes us feel low. This process affects both humans and dogs.” 

Dr. Dilip suggests trying to expose your pet to artificial bright light or taking your pet out for a walk as soon as you spot some sunlight. 




Lack of sunlight in monsoons can make your dog feel sad or low 

Lack of exercise 

Many pet parents are unable to take their dogs out for a walk when there is a constant downpour in the monsoon season. This leads to a lack of exercise that can cause obesity, weight gain, lethargy, depression and unusual behavior in dogs. When your dog’s pent-up energy is not released, they may start acting unusually by barking excessively, scratching the furniture, getting more cases of zoomies, etc. 

Our experts recommend investing in a simple raincoat and rain boots. You can also look for sheltered places or places with roofs where you can walk your dog for some time. Apart from that, play more indoor games with your dog to keep them active. Staying active keeps the happy chemicals going. 




A raincoat and rain boots can protect your pets from the rain 

Loud thunderstorms 

You’ve probably noticed your dog getting scared by the sound of loud firecrackers. Similarly, loud thunderstorms can also trigger feelings of nervousness and anxiety in dogs. 

Louds sounds can increase the cortisol levels of your dogs, making them feel stressed. Kushal Chipkar, Manager of Dog Training at Wiggles points out these common signs of noise phobia in dogs - excessive or heavy panting, barking, whimpering and hiding. 

During loud thunderstorms, keep your dog in a quieter room with the windows shut. Using ear muffs and playing calming music can also help. You can also train your dog to be calm around loud sounds under The Anxious Pet Program by Wiggles

Coat and skin care 

Fungal infections in pets are common during monsoons. Dogs have a natural oil on their skin and coat called sebum. Bacteria and yeast live in the sebum and sometimes excrete waste, too. If this waste gets mixed with the rainwater or if their skin is left damp for too long, it can often lead to skin infections.

If you notice an off-smelling odor, redness or itching, a fungal infection could be the cause. 

To avoid skin problems, groom your pet regularly, dry them off after walks and wipe their paws diligently too. Use a pet-friendly sanitizer to keep infections at bay. 

If you need to visit the vet and can’t step outside, our vets will get in touch via a video call. Just call +91 8431620000 for a video consultation or any other pet-related queries. We’re always happy to help! 

Team Wiggles has started an initiative called #BondedByBlood through which we are trying to create an online repository of ready pet blood donors. Register your pet today and save a life tomorrow.  


Join Wiggles Tribe, our 30k+ community of pet parents on Facebook where our in-house team of vets answers your pet-related queries 24/7. 


*Disclaimer: This blog is vet-approved and includes original content which is compiled after thorough research and authenticity by our in-house team of vets and content experts. It is always advisable to consult a veterinarian before you try any products, pet food/treats or any kind of treatment/medicines on your pets, as each pet is unique and will respond differently.