Healthy Drinks for Pets

Healthy Drinks for Pets -

If you are a first-time pet parent, questions like “can my dog & cat drink milk” or “can my dog drink coconut water” are only natural. This leads to another frequently asked question. What drinks are healthy for pets? Apart from clean & fresh water, there are other drinks that are extremely beneficial for pets. Along with the benefits of these drinks, we will also focus on the ones that are a big no-no for pets. 

Healthy & safe drinks 

  1. Coconut water 

Can dogs & puppies have coconut water?


Coconut water for pets is a safe & healthy option. It contains electrolytes & nutrients like potassium, calcium & iron. It is hydrating & a great alternative to water during the summer & monsoon season. 

But as a word of caution, our veterinarians suggest that if you are feeding coconut water to your pet for the first time, ensure that you start with a small quantity. Observe your pet for the next 24 hours for any signs of diarrhea or loose stools. If you see such signs, it’s better to avoid coconut water.

Coconut water contains high levels of potassium which can lead to diarrhea or loose stools. But just like some dogs are allergic to peanut butter, coconut water can also lead to side effects in some pets. 

On the other hand, if your pet feels fine & doesn’t experience any side effects, you can continue with small amounts. Increase it gradually & if you see any symptoms mentioned above, consult your nearest veterinarian about the same.  

  1. Coconut milk 

Coconut milk is another safe & nutritious drink for pets. It is known for its virus-fighting properties. It also increases immunity against viral diseases, improves skin condition & fur quality. 

But just like coconut water, start with small quantities of coconut milk. Keep your pet under observation for the next 24 hours & look for similar signs. If there are no side effects, continue with small quantities. 

As responsible pet parents, it is essential to check the ingredients & nutritional value of these drinks. Packaged coconut milk can be over-processed & might contain preservatives & ingredients that can be toxic to your pet. Before buying packaged coconut milk, ensure that it’s 100% safe by referring to the list of ingredients.  

  1. Watermelon juice 

Watermelon isn’t just a regular in our summer diet. It’s equally famous amongst our pets too! A bowl of fresh watermelon juice in scorching heat will cool down your pet. But remember to prepare watermelon juice without the seeds. Deseed it first & then mix it in a juicer with ice cubes. Do not add sugar or salt to it. 

The ideal quantity of watermelon juice for a grown-up dog is 250 - 300 ml and 100 - 150 ml for cats. Maintain this quantity because an overdose can lead to vomiting. 

Watermelon is a powerhouse of nutrients & fibers. It is a low-calorie, hydrating fruit with vitamin A, B6, C & potassium. With 92% water content & 0 calories, watermelon juice will be a great addition to an obese pet’s diet too.  

  1. 4. Buttermilk 

Commonly known as chaach & lassi, buttermilk is a must-have drink for pets. Although there is a huge variety of packaged, ready-to-drink chaach & lassi, it is advisable to make it at home since it may contain added salt and preservatives. Do not add pepper powder, jeera powder, salt or sugar to the buttermilk that you make at home for your pets. Keep the consistency water-like and not thick. 

Although pets are naturally fond of plain chaach & lassi, you can add flavors to it. If you have a dog who is not allergic to peanut butter, add a dollop of it in the curd. This will enhance palatability. But if you are a cat parent, try adding your cat’s favorite food to serve their taste buds. 

Curd is rich in probiotics which are essential for a healthy gut. A happy gut means a happy pet. Another easy way to keep your pet’s gut health in check is Stripzy™. They are easy to peel, quick-acting probiotic strips in Blueberry flavor. It has 5 Billion CFUs (Colony Forming Units) i.e. live bacteria that directly reach the gut. Now say bye to pills & hello to Stripzy™. 

  1. Chicken broth 

Zero points for guessing! Chicken is loved by our pets, in any form. But chicken broth is an underrated player when it comes to healthy drinks. It is a boon for your pet’s health as it contains an array of vitamins, minerals, proteins, essential fatty acids & antioxidants. Let your pet slurp it up because it will strengthen their bones, muscles & skin. 

When preparing at home, you can also add a pinch of turmeric powder. Avoid salt or sugar. 

  1. Cocotail™ 

We understand that being a full-time pet parent & having a full-time job can be conflicting. Preparing healthy food from scratch or simply sourcing it can be difficult. And that’s why, we came up with a novel, one of its kind 100% natural healthy drink for pets, Cocotail™! 

It is health in a bottle & our in-house pets, Rani, Wiggles, Rico, Buddy & Bailey love it to the last sip. It contains chicken broth, coconut water, prebiotics & also superfoods like apple cider vinegar & turmeric

With a number of benefits like improving joint health, tissue building, supporting gut health & improving digestion, it also prevents heatstroke & boosts immunity naturally. Serve it as a drink or add it as a food topper, Cocotail™ will work wonders in any form. 

Unhealthy & unsafe drinks 

Just like healthy drinks, there is a list of unhealthy & unsafe drinks that should be avoided at all costs. 

Pet parents often ask if milk, tea, coffee, lemonade, soda & alcohol are safe for pets or not. The answer is no! They are not at all safe and should not be consumed by them. While milk has lactose (most dogs & cats are lactose intolerant), caffeine is toxic for our pets & its consumption can lead to seizures & caffeine poisoning. 

Energy drinks are equally bad for pets & should not be served to them. Also, any form of alcohol - be it wine, beer, whisky etc is also bad for pets. Not every drink that is safe for human consumption is safe for pets. If you believe that your pet has accidentally consumed any of these drinks, please call our vets at home for help. If it is an emergency, please visit your nearest veterinarian.  

Drinks for breastfeeding mothers 

If you have a new mother who is breastfeeding her puppies or kittens, serve them anything from the list of safe & healthy drinks. To cool her down, watermelon juice will do a perfect job. If you are looking to increase her overall immunity, opt for homemade curd, chaach, lassi or chicken broth.

And if you are looking for something that will help a breastfeeding mother in all aspects, then do try Cocotail™. It will make even the most boring food palatable. And since a new mother deserves all the love & care, nothing is better than Cocotail™! 

Now that you have a list of healthy drinks for pets, make sure you serve them right! Cocotail™ is now available on our website to enhance your pet’s health & taste buds. Shop now! And for everything else, we are here. Call us on +91 8431620000 & our in-house team will assist you with everything.